Greetings Beloved of God,
I am so excited to welcome you to the HGAAA National Women’s Department Website. I am honored that God would choose me and Bishop Watkins would allow me to serve you as Higher Ground’s National Women’s President. I invite you to take a moment and look around to see what’s on the horizon.
If you haven’t already done so, Please begin to make plans to attend our 2016 National Women’s Conference in March. We are expecting an Awesome Move of God. There will be something for everybody and You Don’t Want To miss It!
If you have any questions feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help and assist you any way we can. Until we meet again, Know that I Love You and Pray your God-ordained Success.
I am my sister’s keeper,
Dr. Victoria Johanna Gray

2016 National Women’s Values
“I Am My Sister’s Keeper”
We will minister to each individual woman at their own personal level, by means of prayer, counseling, and encouragement.
We will help strengthen and build confidence in our sisters, so that they can be all Christ intended for them to become.
We will encourage each sister within our organization to search out and embrace their own God-given gift and ability, while encouraging other sisters in their community to do the same.
We will provide tools that will give insight to help each sister discover their own personal value and worth.
We will work to assist each sister in building her own personal self-esteem by helping them to find their true inner beauty.
We will encourage each sister pursue their own personal dreams and goals, by helping them to overcome negative opposition.
We will show each sister, through love and demonstration, that we have the ability to stand together in unity and truly be our “Sisters’ Keeper.”
Dr. Victoria Johanna Gray